Featured Press
Texas Monthly Names Cattleack #6 BBQ in Texas!
Barbecue enthusiasts in Texas are about to lose their minds. In Daniel Vaughn’s Texas Monthly list of the 50 best barbecue joints in Texas, Dallas-area restaurant Cattleack Barbeque nabbed an incredible No. 6 slot.
Press Archive
No-Sauce Snobs, Step Back: It’s OK to Put Sauce on Barbecue
There’s a certain amount of bravado that comes naturally to Texans. Two-thirds of our fair state’s residents were born...
The Best BBQ in Dallas – Cattleack BBQ
It’s a classic boy-meets-grill story. Todd David had a real job for 30 years. During that time, he charmed his friends,...
The South’s Top 50 Barbecue Joints 2016
Cattleack Barbeque is a small stripmall joint with very limited hours (lunchtime on Thursdays and Fridays only) and brisket...
Take a Look Inside the Newly Expanded Cattleack Barbeque
Cattleack Barbeque (their spelling, not mine) re-opened today after closing for a couple of weeks to expand and remodel. I...
Cattleack Barbeque makes smokin’ return at revamped shop with lots of meat
People often line up outside Cattleack Barbeque in North Dallas; after all, the smoke house is open surprisingly few hours...
Inside the Bigger, Bolder, and Better New World of American BBQ
There’s a certain amount of bravado that comes naturally to Texans. Two-thirds of our fair state’s residents were born...
Cued Up – Cattleack Barbecue Is Driving Excellence
Tucked away in an industrial business area — a place one wouldn’t necessarily expect to find some of the best smoked meat...
Follow The Trail Through Dallas’ Smokin’ Hot Barbecue Scene
Perhaps Dallas' worst-kept secret, just getting into this cult destination can feel like cause for celebration. You'll...
Come Get You Some
Best BBQ Location
Cattleack BBQ
13628 Gamma Rd
Dallas, TX 75244
(972) 805-0999
(Near the Galleria)
Hours for BBQ
Lunch and Take-Out
Wednesdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
1st Saturdays Pits & Punch 9:00 am
1st Saturdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm